February 15, 2013

We spoke too soon...

Today at the pediatricians, we were not greeted with the type of news we were hoping for.  In fact, it didn't go at all how we planned...and so the theme of 2013 being the year for me to make sure I know how to go with the flow...she continues to march right on through.

After a visit with our doctor, Owen was still running a fever this morning. That being said, a call was place to Infectious Disease at Children's.  We now have an appointment with them Monday at noon.  They ran a long series of blood work tests and got another reading on Owen's white cell count and inflammation counts yet again.  This meant more blood work.  We also had to do another urine sample...this time we were successfully able to do it without a catheter.

Regardless, this is one exhausted bunch of people.  Mentally, physically, emotionally.  This Momma doesn't have much reserve left.  So if you are the praying type...the worrying types...the any sympathy at all type...please put us in your thoughts and prayers.  Words like leukemia, lupus and a few other very serious words were thrown around today...and though at this point we have no evidence of those things being what we are dealing with, the prospect is certainly less than settling.

Owen Wyatt, we love you.  To the moon and back.  We'll get through this...and find ourselves on the other side.  Until then, we give it up to God and pray and wait...and try to soak up a weekend full of family time.

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