This little boy is my hero.

That is all I can say. I posted about our crud the other day...and since the post went up, his fever actually got higher. After a call to the doctor, we had to take him back in Tuesday morning.
Tuesday morning at his appointment he was subjected to:
A strep culture
A mono spot test
A blood draw for blood work
All of which sent us home with a baby who was on day 7 of a fever, sore throat and congestion. And not too many answers.
An afternoon call from his doctor that same day, showed a high white count in his blood and some numbers that suggested inflamation. So off to Alton Memorial we headed for more in depth labs and a chest x-ray. It was pretty miserable and after a blown vein...Owen experienced 3 total blood draws for the day. We got home and hopped into bed, hoping in the morning we would get a few more answers.
The next morning, after another call from the doctor we packed up and headed off for Children's Hospital ER. His doctor's office was fearful that he was possibly a candidate for Kawasaki's Disease. This was a scary prognosis because there can be long term affects on the heart IF he ended up with this. And if he did, he would have to be admitted, given IV medication and see a cardioligist. It would be an answer to the endless fevers, but it wasn't really an ideal answer...
We checked into Children's around 11:30am. And before I go any's amazing being so close to a place that is state of the art and specializes in kiddos. They all knew just what to say/do/just the right stickers to help make some of the scary parts a little less scary. One our nurses Nick had a Spiderman shirt on...and loved Owen for his "spunk and fight." With little time with our boy he knew exactly the kind of willfulness that Owen exudes on a daily basis!
After a short wait and some fish tank watching...we got a room. The next several hours were spent going through a battery of testing that would eliminate one thing after another and help us determine what exactly was going on with Owen's appearance of an infection even though he's been on medicine for almost a month (which the doctor at Children's felt his ear did not look as clear as it should have)...and the endless cycle of fever, ibuprofen, fever, ibuprofen. After enduring an IV, a blood draw, a catheter for a urine same and two nasal swabs (one of which goes all the way up into your sinuses and we were warned would be super fast but completely painful) we finally got a few answers. The virus swab came back negative for over 50 different common viruses...his urine looked normal...the flu test was negative...and his blood work was still showing high numbers. After a call to the infectious disease folks out there, they determined that his ear/sinus infection is likely a hard to beat one and is likely causing his high white count and other numbers in his blood to suggest inflammation. So they gave him a new medicine and said we could go home. We were released around 6:30...with a fresh dose of antibiotic and as of today are praying that the new antibiotics will do the trick. We go back to our pediatrician Friday 9:15 for a follow-up. By then his fever should be gone and the medicine should be working. If it's not, our doctor will be calling the infectious disease people. But let's pray that isn't necessary!
Through this all, Owen has been such a sweet boy. He's tried as hard as he can to be himself. He's listened as we explained to him why he had to take dose 800 of antibiotic and ibuprofen. He's asked for ice water and sweetly said..."Ahh. Mommy I all better," after taking a few drinks. He's been patient as Cooper runs around playing with no understanding his big brother doesn't feel well. He's watched his favorite movies and asked me to lay with him and snuggle...where we laughed and talked about what was happening in his movies. He's sweetly greeted his brother from the couch in the morning with a "Good morning Cooper. You awake too!! How are you??" Even admist him feeling like what I would assume has to be the dirt on someones shoe...he's managed to have a positive little spirit about him. Then we drug him through test after test. It's been a roller coaster to say the least...and I admire him and how he just keeps trucking. No he doesn't like doing all of it...and he got upset and cried...hard. But he trusts us and as each thing was done or over with...he pulled it together and we moved on. "Saying I all done. Shew." It speaks volumes to the little boy I have. You're not gonna get him down. I hope this follows him all his life!!
Owen, Mommy is so proud of you for how sweet and patient you've been. We are trying really hard to get you feeling better as fast as we possibly can. Hopefully soon we'll just chalk this up to another illness under our learned to take medicine really well...Mommy and Daddy learned how to share the couch alternating nights so you could share our bed with one of us...and just when we think we have seen the depths of our love for you at their fullest...we are reminded again that a parents love for their children has no depth. I would have do anything in my power to make things better for you. A momma and dadda's love is fierce baby boy. That's never going to change!! Thanks for kisses through tears and showing Momma how to keep your head up when the going gets tough and scary!! You were truly an amazing little trooper this past month.
Love you always.
Your Momma
A few more shots of our adventures...I know it wasn't exactly a photo worthy occasion...but the few I snapped were for the memory bank. Every event in life serves to teach us something right? Why not remember the time we went to Children's and Owen was a super big boy? And he fell in love with fish tanks and we decided it's about time for a trip to Shed's Aquarium with the kiddos!'s a few:
In the ER waiting room they have tons of great stuff for kiddos. This fish tank was pretty amazing and filled with beautiful fish. I honestly think I loved it as much as Owen did!
I think we may have a future photographer in the making...he worked hard to take shots of the different fish with my camera!!
Tuesday night at Alton Memorial we made the best of being big and brave. And I'm talking about Mommy and Daddy right now. I'll never forget his sweet little self sitting on a chair next to me. What are we gonna do next Mom??
Dadda and Owen waiting for his Chest xray at Alton Memorial.
During registration there was a plant on the lady's desk. Owen was pretending he had jungle monkeys in his hands. The plant was the jungle and his hands were the monkeys. It was quite entertaining...for a common every day house plant. Ahh to be 3 and have the imagination of a child!