March 9, 2009

Friday's Appointment

Last Friday, March 6th, Jer and I went to our 37 week appointment. It was just what I needed; a great visit with Dr. Talsky's undivided attention.

From our visit we found out the following:
* I am 42 centimeters in size and the baby is around 7.5 to 8 pounds - given Dr. Talsky's best guess.
* Being "vigrously" checked is miserablly uncomfortable, but doesn't last for very long, and I did just fine...and we learn a lot from it so it's worth it.
* I am 1 centimeter dialated
* I am 30% thinned.
* The baby's head is down and at -3 station. He could actually touch the top of baby's head and push it away from my pelvis. He said it would float away, but come right back down. So baby is down, but not locked into place yet.

Also, Friday's appointment was full of more famous quotes from our quirky OB. They must be shared!

Dr. T: Wow! You're really pregnant aren't you??

Dr. T: Who did this to you??

After I pointed to Jer, he then said...You're trying to have a Brian Bosworth. Here's a link in case you aren't aware of who he is (I had no idea).

Dr. T: You're working on a really dark line (referring to the unsightly dark hormone line down the middle of my belly) aren't you?

He never ceases to amaze me!


Steff said...

So I clicked on the link...Brian Bosworth's middle name is Keith. My Bryan is Bryan Keith. Then, I see that he's born today...March 9th. My Dad's birthday & my predicted date of birth for Baby Linley. And, finally he was a linebacker...My Bryan Keith was a linebacker. I didn't even read any farther. It's a sign. I hope you have your hospital bag in the car because Aunt Steff is gonna be right on this one!

Hannah said...

Hi Jess! I have been following your blog! I can't wait for the new addition to the family to be here!!! I hope you got our card at the shower, we were sorry we couldn't be there! So my prediction is that the baby knows Sam's birthday is the 20th and mine is the 23rd...and the little one wants to be just like his/her big cuz! ; ) Love ya and can't wait to hear from you guys soon!!!