March 16, 2009

What is Wrong with People??

Some people think it's appropriate to just say whatever comes to their mind and b/c you're pregnant it's either appropriate or acceptable. I think many people under-estimate the power of all those hormones at work in one body. Plus the strong desire to protect yourself and your baby that never leaves your mind. However, today, I had someone who has topped my charts in terms of strangley inappropriate comments. I've had quite a few in the past 9 1/2 months. This one however, takes the cake.

I was on my way to the cafeteria to get something to drink, and I had a elderly guy waddle up to me. Yes I said waddle. He waddled as if he was making fun of my walk. Elbows back and stomach pushed out a bit. (Hi...I've NEVER seen you before in my life. YOU of all people are NOT allowed to make fun of me!) He then proceeds to get very close to my face and say, "Thanks for saving it." Long pause...big smile. Pats his belly as he finished with, "For choosing not to abort your baby."



Anonymous said...

Jessie - I feel your pain. People are crazy and wildly inappropriate.

I had someone asked me the other day if I lost my baby because I didn't look pregnant! WHAT?! I mean, what if I HAD lost my baby? I mean, if you really suspect that, shouldn't you ask someone else who might know instead of the grieving mother? Sheesh...

Anyway, hang in there. Hopefully inappropriate comments will cease once Baby Linley gets here. I doubt it, though! ;o)

Jessie said...

I think my jaw is still on the floor. It's amazing what people feel the need to say!

I just saw the pics of your bump :) It's quite an adventure isn't it? Glad your flu bug hit the road!

April said...

whoa! What do you even say to that?! What a crazy!

Jenna Marie said...

Wow. I can't say much more than that. Wow.