August 28, 2009
Deep Breaths
Deep Breaths...
This week began a whole new chapter for me...I've started school again. Cue sad melodramatic music and enter a picture of a tearful me. I haven't taken classes since October of last year...when I was pregnant. I decided while I was pregnant that to relieve any undue stress, I would stop taking class. After dealing with a tearful Monday morning of leaving Owen, I wished I would have taken at least one more term worth of schooling. But I didn't. And it wouldn't have really mattered. This still would have been hard. And the bottom line is that this is where I am. Two days a week for the next 16 weeks (only 15 now), I'm leaving my baby boy at 6:30 or 7am and will not be seeing him until the next morning or possibly afternoon. Why am I doing this you might wonder? What sane mother would? Well I have 4 classes left for the completion of my degree in Business Management. I'm so excited at the prospect of finally completing this goal for myself that every time I think about it, I literally feel a weight lift off my shoulders. Regardless of my goal, of my achievement, of my dedication...that doesn't make the process any easier. I've said many times I do not deserved sympathy over this. I could take fewer classes and spread things out a little more. I could give up my goal and not finish my schooling. I could change a lot of things. But I'm trying to do what's right for me and for my family. The sooner I finish, the sooner I'll have other job opportunities that can potentially bring me closer to home, the sooner Jer can begin master's work he's been putting off for the sake of my own education, the easier it'll be to say to Owen that education is important. The prouder I'll be of my accomplishments. I'm filled with so many mixed emotions. Will people think I'm selfish for taking 2 nights a week for 16 weeks away from my son and family? Will Owen and I loose the connection we currently have b/c of the distance? Will I be able to handle it 3 weeks in without backing out of my decision all together?? Will my degree really make a difference in the long run? Is it worth it? What if I don't do it? Will I regret my choices? I know I will. Finishing my schooling is like a nagging tug in the back of my head every time I think about it. In the same breath that I'm dreading the time away from Owen, I'm aching for the nagging to stop. For it to be finished. For me to see myself through on a goal I started nearly 4 years ago. So in the coming weeks, if you think of the Linley Family 3, please say a prayer. Something simple and small will do just fine. So this week I took it one hour at a time, one thing at a time, one breath at a time. I'm guessing this coming week will be same way. Hopefully soon, I'll find myself in a routine and motivated...AND yet another week closer to my goal. Today is Friday and marks 1 down...15 to go. For right now's just one deep breath after another.
This week began a whole new chapter for me...I've started school again. Cue sad melodramatic music and enter a picture of a tearful me. I haven't taken classes since October of last year...when I was pregnant. I decided while I was pregnant that to relieve any undue stress, I would stop taking class. After dealing with a tearful Monday morning of leaving Owen, I wished I would have taken at least one more term worth of schooling. But I didn't. And it wouldn't have really mattered. This still would have been hard. And the bottom line is that this is where I am. Two days a week for the next 16 weeks (only 15 now), I'm leaving my baby boy at 6:30 or 7am and will not be seeing him until the next morning or possibly afternoon. Why am I doing this you might wonder? What sane mother would? Well I have 4 classes left for the completion of my degree in Business Management. I'm so excited at the prospect of finally completing this goal for myself that every time I think about it, I literally feel a weight lift off my shoulders. Regardless of my goal, of my achievement, of my dedication...that doesn't make the process any easier. I've said many times I do not deserved sympathy over this. I could take fewer classes and spread things out a little more. I could give up my goal and not finish my schooling. I could change a lot of things. But I'm trying to do what's right for me and for my family. The sooner I finish, the sooner I'll have other job opportunities that can potentially bring me closer to home, the sooner Jer can begin master's work he's been putting off for the sake of my own education, the easier it'll be to say to Owen that education is important. The prouder I'll be of my accomplishments. I'm filled with so many mixed emotions. Will people think I'm selfish for taking 2 nights a week for 16 weeks away from my son and family? Will Owen and I loose the connection we currently have b/c of the distance? Will I be able to handle it 3 weeks in without backing out of my decision all together?? Will my degree really make a difference in the long run? Is it worth it? What if I don't do it? Will I regret my choices? I know I will. Finishing my schooling is like a nagging tug in the back of my head every time I think about it. In the same breath that I'm dreading the time away from Owen, I'm aching for the nagging to stop. For it to be finished. For me to see myself through on a goal I started nearly 4 years ago. So in the coming weeks, if you think of the Linley Family 3, please say a prayer. Something simple and small will do just fine. So this week I took it one hour at a time, one thing at a time, one breath at a time. I'm guessing this coming week will be same way. Hopefully soon, I'll find myself in a routine and motivated...AND yet another week closer to my goal. Today is Friday and marks 1 down...15 to go. For right now's just one deep breath after another.
5 Months Old!
This past Wednesday...Owen turned 5 Months Old!!
It is crazy to me that this time five months ago, we were meeting our son for the first time! It's also amazing to see all the changes that have taken place! Owen's last doctor's appointment was August 3rd and you can read all about that here. What is Owen up to now?? Some of his milestones or new adorable talents include:
Rolling over onto his back
Scooting around in his crib (we find him smashed into the corners at 3am...and aren't sure if this means we should put the crib bumpers back on...or if taking them off really was the smart thing to do...why oh why are crib bumpers such a frustrating thing?)
Petting, laughing and loving on Purcey (I think they'll be good buddies)
Getting good at pulling himself up to a seated position with help.
Loving play time in his excer-saucer by Baby Einstein - he can push the buttons to play music, spin his frog and stand like a big boy
Giving hugs and kisses
Kissing himself in the mirror
Eating at least 3 tablespoons of food twice a day along with his bottles
His favorite foods so far include - sweet potates, pears, banana peach granola, oatmeal and apples and cinnamon raisin granola...fear not, he eats peas, green beans and other manner of vegetable. It's just not his favorite ;)
He has also learned that there are things he can do that will make you laugh. Once you laugh at them...he does it more to make you laugh. I think we have a comedian on our hands!
So that's the skinny on our adorable boy. He sure is making life a whole lot of fun!

It is crazy to me that this time five months ago, we were meeting our son for the first time! It's also amazing to see all the changes that have taken place! Owen's last doctor's appointment was August 3rd and you can read all about that here. What is Owen up to now?? Some of his milestones or new adorable talents include:
Rolling over onto his back
Scooting around in his crib (we find him smashed into the corners at 3am...and aren't sure if this means we should put the crib bumpers back on...or if taking them off really was the smart thing to do...why oh why are crib bumpers such a frustrating thing?)
Petting, laughing and loving on Purcey (I think they'll be good buddies)
Getting good at pulling himself up to a seated position with help.
Loving play time in his excer-saucer by Baby Einstein - he can push the buttons to play music, spin his frog and stand like a big boy
Giving hugs and kisses
Kissing himself in the mirror
Eating at least 3 tablespoons of food twice a day along with his bottles
His favorite foods so far include - sweet potates, pears, banana peach granola, oatmeal and apples and cinnamon raisin granola...fear not, he eats peas, green beans and other manner of vegetable. It's just not his favorite ;)
He has also learned that there are things he can do that will make you laugh. Once you laugh at them...he does it more to make you laugh. I think we have a comedian on our hands!
So that's the skinny on our adorable boy. He sure is making life a whole lot of fun!
August 17, 2009
Girls Day
I recently enjoyed a day full of fun activities with "the girls." This year we did a Girls Day instead of a Girls Weekend. If you are interested in last years events, go here! This year, Alison did a great job of retelling our day so I'll just link you to her blog!
Thanks girls for a fun memorable day. I'm thinking we need to hit the Gardens again in the fall when the weather isn't so insanely hot! My bee sting cupcake did not disappoint. And I must ditto the great movie choice! Crude it was...but oh so hilarious!!
Also, as Steff talked about here, we loved the Ugly Truth so much we knew we had to take the boys. They loved it as well!
Here's to fun summer dates, spending time the girls, great friends and wonderful memories :)
Thanks girls for a fun memorable day. I'm thinking we need to hit the Gardens again in the fall when the weather isn't so insanely hot! My bee sting cupcake did not disappoint. And I must ditto the great movie choice! Crude it was...but oh so hilarious!!
Also, as Steff talked about here, we loved the Ugly Truth so much we knew we had to take the boys. They loved it as well!
Here's to fun summer dates, spending time the girls, great friends and wonderful memories :)
August 14, 2009
4 and half Months and one bottle of hand sanitizer later...
Last night I was doing some cleaning and reorganizing in Owen's room. So far we've changed out a ton of containers of wipes, we've changed bed sheets and put away his crib bumper, put away his newborn clothes that he's outgrown...we've even put away clothes he's outgrown since then. Last night though, I realized, the hand sanitizer on his changer was empty. When we first came home Jer went to Target and bought 2 HUGE bottles of hand sanitizer. He bought two figuring we'd go through it super fast. Obviously we chose wisely b/c our $4 bottle has gone quite a long way. Funny as it is for some reason in that moment, I realized how far we've come. That bottle has sat there since the day we brought O home. And last night it was empty and I threw it in the trash. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attached to a silly bottle of hand sanitizer. It's just another step that proves how time is passing. My baby is already over half way to 5 months old. 5 months! Nearly half a year old. And it seems like yesterday when we brought him home and showed him his nursery for the very first time. I remember those first few days of changing diapers and getting up every 2 hours to feed him. Now he sleeps in 9 month PJ's, fits into 12 month shorts, eats 4 bottles a day along with real food and sleeps all the way through the night! It's amazing how much changes so very very fast. Because this got me reminiscing, I attached some pics of him from our first few days together.
August 12, 2009
Walnut Roadtrips - Owen's Introduction to a Linley Tradition
Owen did so great on his first Walnut Road Trip!! Our weekend was filled with fun!
Packing and Getting Ready
I'm pretty sure we packed everything but the kitchen sink. Owen even got his own little suitcase.

It was too cute not to photograph!! We also packed the car top carrier. What a job!! Thanks Uncle Jonnie and Aunt April for a) going with us and b) helping us figure out the best way to fit all of our things into one car so we could enjoy the ride together!
Thursday night
We stopped and enjoyed a delicious dinner with Leslie and Nick while passing through Peoria. We ate at Old Chicago on the Riverfront. Thanks again Leslie and Nick! I'm still mad that I didn't get a pic of you guys with Owen!
The Detour
So after dinner we hit a major detour. During the detour all four of us began to wonder if someone messed up the signs and we were headed towards something out of Chain Saw massacre or worse. We were driving through cornfields and back roads for miles without any indication that we were even still on the right detours. This left us in the car for an hour longer than necessary. Finally we hit highway 40 and civilization...and made it to Walnut. It was 12:30am. By 1am we were settled in and finally got some sleep! Owen was such a good sport through it all!!
We slept in that morning, recovering from the previous nights interesting twists. Jennifer, Jeffrey and Jessie came over around 11am and we got all caught up with their summer vacation. Jessie has been at a fun camp and all the kids have been taking swimming lessons! Jeff showed us how he can put his whole fist in his mouth! We got not one, not 2, not even 3, but 4 or more demonstrations of this amazing skill he's learned!!

Around noon we headed for a family lunch in town and then enjoyed the Walnut Pool. Jonnie and Jeremy enjoyed showing Jeff, Jessie and Jennifer all about the diving board and flips and big kid stuff!

Jordan and Owen enjoyed the kiddy pool and after a bottle, Owen enjoyed a nap with Great Grandma Linley while Mom and Dad enjoyed some time to swim with the big kids and play in the pool!!

Friday Night we headed to Angelo's for dinner. It's a must visit place on the Walnut trips and we enjoy our time there!

We again enjoyed a lazy morning and had breakfast around the
table (A Linley tradition...more to come on that).

Owen spent a little time enjoying his bouncer in the doorway to the kitchen! Grandpa Linley thought this was the greatest invention ever!! We just might agree!

Once everyone was ready we took a short trip to Sterling to do some shopping. I got my first official Bears Jersey...which I'm very excited about!! We closed out our weekend trip with a cook-out back at Grandma and Grandpa Linley's. We decided to hit the road during Owen's bedtime Saturday night. Poor little guy. By the time we got him in the car he'd had a couple crying meltdowns. He was sooo tired from the lack of routine! Luckily he slept the whole way home. We got home around 2am on Sunday morning. He didn't get up until 10am on Sunday morning! I think we wore him out :-)
Packing and Getting Ready
I'm pretty sure we packed everything but the kitchen sink. Owen even got his own little suitcase.
It was too cute not to photograph!! We also packed the car top carrier. What a job!! Thanks Uncle Jonnie and Aunt April for a) going with us and b) helping us figure out the best way to fit all of our things into one car so we could enjoy the ride together!
Thursday night
We stopped and enjoyed a delicious dinner with Leslie and Nick while passing through Peoria. We ate at Old Chicago on the Riverfront. Thanks again Leslie and Nick! I'm still mad that I didn't get a pic of you guys with Owen!
The Detour
So after dinner we hit a major detour. During the detour all four of us began to wonder if someone messed up the signs and we were headed towards something out of Chain Saw massacre or worse. We were driving through cornfields and back roads for miles without any indication that we were even still on the right detours. This left us in the car for an hour longer than necessary. Finally we hit highway 40 and civilization...and made it to Walnut. It was 12:30am. By 1am we were settled in and finally got some sleep! Owen was such a good sport through it all!!
We slept in that morning, recovering from the previous nights interesting twists. Jennifer, Jeffrey and Jessie came over around 11am and we got all caught up with their summer vacation. Jessie has been at a fun camp and all the kids have been taking swimming lessons! Jeff showed us how he can put his whole fist in his mouth! We got not one, not 2, not even 3, but 4 or more demonstrations of this amazing skill he's learned!!
Around noon we headed for a family lunch in town and then enjoyed the Walnut Pool. Jonnie and Jeremy enjoyed showing Jeff, Jessie and Jennifer all about the diving board and flips and big kid stuff!
Jordan and Owen enjoyed the kiddy pool and after a bottle, Owen enjoyed a nap with Great Grandma Linley while Mom and Dad enjoyed some time to swim with the big kids and play in the pool!!
Friday Night we headed to Angelo's for dinner. It's a must visit place on the Walnut trips and we enjoy our time there!
We again enjoyed a lazy morning and had breakfast around the
table (A Linley tradition...more to come on that).
Owen spent a little time enjoying his bouncer in the doorway to the kitchen! Grandpa Linley thought this was the greatest invention ever!! We just might agree!
Once everyone was ready we took a short trip to Sterling to do some shopping. I got my first official Bears Jersey...which I'm very excited about!! We closed out our weekend trip with a cook-out back at Grandma and Grandpa Linley's. We decided to hit the road during Owen's bedtime Saturday night. Poor little guy. By the time we got him in the car he'd had a couple crying meltdowns. He was sooo tired from the lack of routine! Luckily he slept the whole way home. We got home around 2am on Sunday morning. He didn't get up until 10am on Sunday morning! I think we wore him out :-)
He Passed!!
August 9, 2009
The secret ingredient...
Tonight we found the secret ingredient that helped Owen figure out food with a spoon...sweet potatoes! He has never been so excited, had more fun, or kept more of the food in his mouth than tonight when we fed him his first taste of sweet potatoes and turkey!! Go figure our 17 pound 4 month old loves meat and potatoes!
Of course he didn't keep it all in his mouth. What's the fun in that??
Lock 'em up!
August 7, 2009
What's not to love about little boys??
Today I was at the store trying to find some ointment for a blister on the O man's toe. (He's a little more than enthusiastic about his doorway bouncer and this led him to develop a small but very sore blister on his pinky toe!) In the aisle with first aid supplies I found Neosporin for kids above 2, Mederma for little kids, and I also found some wound cleanser among a million other things to fix boo-boos for little ones. But my favorite thing I found? Spiderman Band-Aids!! Even though he doesn't need them yet...they were too cute not to buy! I have a feeling I'll be getting very familiar with this area at the store!
August 5, 2009
4 Months Old!
So I'm slightly delayed in posting the latest! However, on July 26th, not only did Owen turned 4 months old…but it is also the anniversary of when we told Steff and Bryan that they were going to be an Aunt and Uncle.
This past Monday Owen went to the doctor for his 4 month check-up. Here are his stats:
Weight - 17.11
Length - 27 Inches
We are excited because we get to start him on solid foods! Yay!! Some milestones we have to look forward to? Sitting up like a big boy. Grasping things with his hands without having to use his whole arm in the motion. Teeth! And more verbalization!
Currently Owen LOVES his doorway bouncer. He loves to roll onto his tummy (video of this to come) and he loves laughing, smiling, touching things with his hands, putting any and everything into his mouth and drewling!
Also, since his one month birthday, I've been trying to take pics of him in just his diaper to document each month! Here are some pictures of our handsome little boy. He’s getting sooo big!
"And Noah he often said to his wife when he sat down to dine, 'I don't care where the water goes if it doesn't get into the wine.'" - G.K. Chesterton
We had so many fun pics from this part of our Jeff City adventure I thought it deserved its own post!
After Jer finished his test (results to come via snail mail) we headed out of Jefferson City and hit the road to Hermann, Missouri. We had a fabulous day tasting wines and beers and enjoying some quality time talking about life and our amazing son! We hit the Tin Mill Brewery and a couple walked in with a baby in a stroller. I looked at Jer with my bottom lip pushed out. I wanna go home! We did end up starving by the time we reached St. we decided to stop at Joe’s Crab Shack for a quick dinner before picking up the O man!

After Jer finished his test (results to come via snail mail) we headed out of Jefferson City and hit the road to Hermann, Missouri. We had a fabulous day tasting wines and beers and enjoying some quality time talking about life and our amazing son! We hit the Tin Mill Brewery and a couple walked in with a baby in a stroller. I looked at Jer with my bottom lip pushed out. I wanna go home! We did end up starving by the time we reached St. we decided to stop at Joe’s Crab Shack for a quick dinner before picking up the O man!
Jeff City
A Minor Set Back
As I mentioned here, Jeremy and I enjoyed a night away from the everyday while Jer was preparing for and taking a test in Jefferson City. I’ve come to realize, very few plans ever happen just how you picture them. And it really doesn’t matter what the plans are. Maybe its God way of showing that he has a serious sense of humor. Here you go Jess, see how well you roll with this little change of plans! I’m one of those people who are ok with rolling with a change of plans…however; there are few major components necessary for me to function. Having a properly packed bag is one of them. And unfortunately, as I began to get dressed up for a fun evening out with my husband, the worst of all catastrophes occurred. I reached into the bag of body wash, toothbrushes, etc, and realized that I had left my entire makeup bag at home. All of it! I walked out of the bathroom and our conversation went as follows:
Jess: Guess what I forgot
Jer: looking up from his test studying with minimal interest: I don’t know babe. What? Looking right back at his binder
Jess: It’s something that I can’t go out without.
Jer: Seriously I don’t know? What happened??
Jess: My makeup.
Jer: Babe you look great. You don’t need it.
Jess: OMG…I’m soo flaming mad. We’re going to Walmart.
So I finished getting ready. We headed to Walmart. Got lost 3 times – even with the GPS – and finally accidentally found my mecca and it turned my night right back around! Target was on the horizon! I bought the minimal stuff. Plus a belt b/c in the mess of makeup loss I realized I also forgot a belt for the jeans I brought. As we were walking out and Jer saw me smiling…he felt courageous enough to share this little bit of info with me.
Jer: Geez, you know when you asked me what would I forget that was so important you could go NOT (emphasis on the not) out without it…I thought you might say shoes or underwear or something.
Thanks for keeping it honest, honey. It’s always nice to know when I’m being dramatic!
Our night on the town
Here’s some pictures from our yummy meal and fun exploring in downtown JC.
My Own Adventure
Friday morning I decided to venture out of our route between the hotel and the testing site. After a nice relaxing shower, I packed up the car, checked out of our hotel and plugged in the GPS. I was searching for a Borders or Barnes and Noble. I ended up here.
My adventure also took me out to the Jefferson City Country Club and some beautiful homes that surrounded the area. I didn’t have time to explore all of the places I wanted to. On my list were a prayer garden and a neat side of the road flower shop. I think my trip to the mall was fated however, b/c I found the following items on my shopping trip:
chocolate covered gummie bears - these deserve a post all their own.
A $4.00 scarf on clearance at American Eagle
and some very cool made in American handsoap from Bath and Body Works!
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