It is crazy to me that this time five months ago, we were meeting our son for the first time! It's also amazing to see all the changes that have taken place! Owen's last doctor's appointment was August 3rd and you can read all about that here. What is Owen up to now?? Some of his milestones or new adorable talents include:
Rolling over onto his back
Scooting around in his crib (we find him smashed into the corners at 3am...and aren't sure if this means we should put the crib bumpers back on...or if taking them off really was the smart thing to do...why oh why are crib bumpers such a frustrating thing?)
Petting, laughing and loving on Purcey (I think they'll be good buddies)
Getting good at pulling himself up to a seated position with help.
Loving play time in his excer-saucer by Baby Einstein - he can push the buttons to play music, spin his frog and stand like a big boy
Giving hugs and kisses
Kissing himself in the mirror
Eating at least 3 tablespoons of food twice a day along with his bottles
His favorite foods so far include - sweet potates, pears, banana peach granola, oatmeal and apples and cinnamon raisin granola...fear not, he eats peas, green beans and other manner of vegetable. It's just not his favorite ;)
He has also learned that there are things he can do that will make you laugh. Once you laugh at them...he does it more to make you laugh. I think we have a comedian on our hands!
So that's the skinny on our adorable boy. He sure is making life a whole lot of fun!
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