A few Fridays ago, we made our second family trip to the zoo! You can read about our first trip here!
This day was very special because Owen got to enjoy the zoo with Grandma PJ, Pawpaw Davey, Great Grandma Flo and Great Grandpa Pap. Four generations of family in one place! It doesn’t happen too often. And what a day we had!
Like we did last time, we had to battle serious crowds. So much so, that the South parking Lot was crammed and marked off as FULL. We ended up across the street on Oakland near Turtle Park. We ended up feeding the meters till they took no more coins and off we headed to the zoo. Tip about the meters? They take 4 hours worth of coins. It was about $5 to feed the meter for both cars. Parking for the Zoo’s south Lot is $11 a car. We more than tripled our savings ;)
The weather could not have been more perfect! It was a nice breezy 80. Owen got to enjoy the zoo from his stroller like a big boy this time which helped him stay awake and very content. Once we made it into the actual zoo, we were able to navigate relatively easily. The later in the afternoon it got, the thinner the crowds got. To my amazement we managed to see a ton. We cruised around Big Cat Country; saw the zebras and Giraffe’s. We even made it through the Penguin Puffin Coast and the River’s Edge. Owen was amazed with all the fun things to see. By the time we stopped for a rest and something to drink and snack on, little man was crashed out!
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