A Minor Set Back
As I mentioned here, Jeremy and I enjoyed a night away from the everyday while Jer was preparing for and taking a test in Jefferson City. I’ve come to realize, very few plans ever happen just how you picture them. And it really doesn’t matter what the plans are. Maybe its God way of showing that he has a serious sense of humor. Here you go Jess, see how well you roll with this little change of plans! I’m one of those people who are ok with rolling with a change of plans…however; there are few major components necessary for me to function. Having a properly packed bag is one of them. And unfortunately, as I began to get dressed up for a fun evening out with my husband, the worst of all catastrophes occurred. I reached into the bag of body wash, toothbrushes, etc, and realized that I had left my entire makeup bag at home. All of it! I walked out of the bathroom and our conversation went as follows:
Jess: Guess what I forgot
Jer: looking up from his test studying with minimal interest: I don’t know babe. What? Looking right back at his binder
Jess: It’s something that I can’t go out without.
Jer: Seriously I don’t know? What happened??
Jess: My makeup.
Jer: Babe you look great. You don’t need it.
Jess: OMG…I’m soo flaming mad. We’re going to Walmart.
So I finished getting ready. We headed to Walmart. Got lost 3 times – even with the GPS – and finally accidentally found my mecca and it turned my night right back around! Target was on the horizon! I bought the minimal stuff. Plus a belt b/c in the mess of makeup loss I realized I also forgot a belt for the jeans I brought. As we were walking out and Jer saw me smiling…he felt courageous enough to share this little bit of info with me.
Jer: Geez, you know when you asked me what would I forget that was so important you could go NOT (emphasis on the not) out without it…I thought you might say shoes or underwear or something.
Thanks for keeping it honest, honey. It’s always nice to know when I’m being dramatic!
Our night on the town
Here’s some pictures from our yummy meal and fun exploring in downtown JC.
My Own Adventure
Friday morning I decided to venture out of our route between the hotel and the testing site. After a nice relaxing shower, I packed up the car, checked out of our hotel and plugged in the GPS. I was searching for a Borders or Barnes and Noble. I ended up here.
My adventure also took me out to the Jefferson City Country Club and some beautiful homes that surrounded the area. I didn’t have time to explore all of the places I wanted to. On my list were a prayer garden and a neat side of the road flower shop. I think my trip to the mall was fated however, b/c I found the following items on my shopping trip:
chocolate covered gummie bears - these deserve a post all their own.
A $4.00 scarf on clearance at American Eagle
and some very cool made in American handsoap from Bath and Body Works!
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