So it’s here! Half a year since and one day this little being entered our lives. Wow. I say it every month as I watch him grow, but I just can’t seem to believe how fast it’s all going!
I decided to save his diaper pics for the post with his doctor's stay tuned for those. In the meantime, enjoy a few pics of him doing his everyday his usual adorable fashion!
Diaper Size: 4!!
Eye Color: Crystal Clear Blue and beautiful. Just like his Dadda and Owen's
Other Stats:
**Continues to roll over and over. He now sleeps on his belly all night long. He even has begun to roll himself over and play in the morning till he goes back to sleep. I love listening to him laugh and play in his crib. Such a fun stage we’re getting to!
**Continues to sleep unswaddled…and after one brief hiatus from his usual 10 hours a night sleeping…is back to sleeping before 8pm and waking around 6:30 or 7am!
**Oh the solid foods!! How Cooper LOVES to eat! This kid would prefer, I do believe, to eat every meal from a bowl or jar instead of a bottle J His typical AM eating habits include 3 tablespoons of oatmeal mixed with formula and a container of fruit (any kind…he’s not picky but LOVE his bananas). His PM eating habits include a few scoops of meat (chicken, beef or turkey) mixed in with a veggies (peas are his very favorite!) followed by a whole container of some manner of fruit or Gerber blends yogurt. It sort of feels like I’m stocking up for a bomb shelter when I buy baby food every week! I counted it up. Two containers of fruit a day x 7 days a week. Plus a veggie each night x 7. Plus 3 containers of beef or chicken a week. It equals 24 jars of baby food a week! Add that to his $25 a week cans of formula…holy moly!!!!
Is getting up his elbows and knees really well…crawling isn’t too far off in our future…and so are baby gates and all the safety stuff we need to get back out!
LOVES to sit. As long as he’s got some pillows around him to protect him when he comes crashing down…he’ll sit 30 minutes or more and just play. Every once in awhile he’ll look up at me with a great big smile.

Continues to laugh non-stop.
Loves to flap his arms with excitement at you…if you do it back he just cracks up
**LOVES his bouncer…I’m pretty sure after him we may need to question the integrity of the entire thing…and whether it would handle baby number 3 if they come along for us!
**Still very into pulling hair, touching, grabbing faces and putting things into his mouth.
**He loves to pull your face to his really close and put his mouth on you like he’s giving you a big sloppy kiss.
**Loves rubbing his Dadda’s beard.
**Isn’t very into sitting alone in a room, sitting in one place for very long or laying down by himself…go figure! He's our kid right? Sitting still is for babies!
Also, in case you want to see what the past 6 months have looked like here are links to
**Thanks Steff for this great idea! I saw you do this with PB’s Watch me Grow posts…even though we’re half way through I thought it’d be the perfect time to start!
Dear Cooper,
Hey baby boy! What an amazing journey we are on in this life huh??

I love you so much bubba. Happy 6 months!
Love, Your Momma
P.S. I didn’t get to do these letters for your brother…and I’m sad that the idea didn’t come to me. But I did decide that I want to keep writing these…and include you both. So after we celebrate your first birthday (I'm going to slip a few in to Owen before that!), I’m going to start addressing one to each of you and do some reflecting each month. That way I have them to go back to and even put in our family scrapbooks. I think they’ll help you understand…just how very much Dadda and I cherish every square inch of you…our precious children!
1 comment:
WOOHOO, Happy 6mo Coop...We Love You buddy.
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