June 12, 2012

Enjoying some summertime goodness....

The other night Jeremy was out mowing grass and making our yard look marvelous!  I decided after dinner it was way too nice not to get out and take a stroll around the yard with the boys.  After a stroll in the wagon, we hit the swing set, did some bubble blowing and had so much fun that Owen didn't even cry when we went inside because he was played out and ready to call it a night!

We did bath time, got in our PJ's and snuggled up on the couch. Coop had a bottle and crashed. Then it was just me and Owen.  We snuggled up and he laid his head on my shoulder.  We talked about the movie and whatever else was on his mind. He sipped on milked and wiggled the last of his energy out of his little legs...there is something about that time after baths...when Owen's hair is still wet and it smells like shampoo.  When he curls up on the couch to relax and asks me to sit down with him.  It's kind of magical.  After morning wake ups, it's my other favorite time of day.  Especially after a sticky spring evening spent outside!

I took the opportunity and good evening low light to grab my camera and play the Momma-ratzi.  Enjoy!  My hope is that we spent a whole lot of time doing exactly this all summer long :)  That thought alone makes this Momma a happy lady!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Cooper's shirt says it,,ADORABLE. Love those two!!!