June 25, 2012

Lake Weekend

The last weekend of April, we took off for Lake of the Ozarks.  I've mentioned lots of time how much we love it down there.  This trip we headed off with our Linley crew in full tow.  13 Linley's in one place for a whole weekend!  Chaos, fun and did I mentioned chaos was had by all!  I wasn't as diligent with my camera as I would have liked...but between my phone and the real deal I was able to capture some of my favorite moments!!  Here's a photo montage of the weekend, complete with captions!

Hitting the Road!!  We got lucky and got to ride with Great-Grandpa Linley!  We had a nice cozy ride :)

Even though it was cozy, Cooper was not convinced we needed to be in the car so long. So Momma had to do some serious entertaining!! Maracas did the trick for a little while!

On our first morning there, Isabel and Owen had a ball playing on the floor.  I don't know what they were playing exactly...but they sure were entertaining!!

Love this little face!!

"Owen: Okay Isabel, now what we need to do is...." And the plotting begins!!

Jay cool getting ready for the pool!!

 Our other little mister all ready for his first swim!!

Isabel's all ready too!

Cooper wasn't a huge fan!!

Owen, Uncle Paul and Aunt Jackie (and baby Ryder in tow!)

 But he warmed up after a little convincing!

My boys!!

Isabel thought a nap was a better idea!

So did Cooper on the ride back to our rooms!

Owen wasn't far behind them!

Later that afternoon we went shopping.  There was wandering, snacking, a couple Owen induced time-outs, and a delicious dinner!  We got back to our hotel just in time for it to start storming like crazy.  The  next morning after breakfast, we packed up and started for home!  What a fun and fantastic whirlwind!!

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