We once again soaked up all things Halloween and had an amazing October!! Looking back on all this fun, it's no wonder I love this time of year!! Here's a run down! For last year's fun, check out the link here.
Boo at the Zoo!!
We kicked off our 2012 Halloween Festivities with a trip to Boo at the Zoo!! I have probably mentioned it before but I love living so close to St. Louis AND the STL Zoo.
We treked into the zoo with an owl:
And two tiny super heroes:
The zoo was festively decorated for the holiday...and I think the kiddos favorite part might have been the bubble filled archways by the Ape Habitat. Since our kiddos are little bitties there wasn't as much fun stuff to do with them as we would have liked...so next year we're hoping to get in on the Saturday Trick or Treating day at the zoo! Even still, it was a fun, festive evening!
Hightlights included:
That Owen was so excited about the zoo he talked about it ALL day. Every 20 or 30 minutes, Momma? We go to the zoo??
Peyton growling like a bear
Eating funnel cake in the dark
Bryan saying he wanted half a dozen funnel cakes
Bubble-filled, lit archways
Spending time enjoying an evening with great friends, yummy food and just getting out there and trying something new and different!!
Fall Ferry Ridings and Pumpkin picking
Our Halloween and fall festivies continued as we made our annual trip to see fall leaves. We made our usual trip across the Golden Eagle and Brussels Ferries, complete with our newest tradition of stopping for a pumpkin at Odelhers Roadside Market.
The boys enjoyed a cozy nap on the drive to Missouri. Daddy ran a couple errands with a stop to Best Buy and the Mills Mall taking turns running in while they napped away!
He pulls off his socks and shoes EVERYTIME he's in his carseat. Guess it's more comfy riding like that!
Highlights of this adventure:
Owen pointing to the boats as we crossed the riverCooper and Owen's amazed little faces as we unbuckled them from their car seats and stood while the
boat ferried us across the Misissippi River.
That Owen peeds his pants so bad at the pumpkin stand we had to de-pants (and de-sock) him, wrap him in a blanket and have him ride home like that!!
That our pumpkins were half off
Cooper's excited Woooww as he officially picked his first pumpkin ever
Owen loved the bumpy gourds and he picked 3 special ones to take home with us
Seeing how pretty the country side is, just a short ride from our house.
Finding time to adventure a little on a random Sunday afternoon.
That I have 3 amazing boys that I got to spend a fun day with!
Pumpkin Carving
After our pumpkin getting adventure...we spent a fun evening carving out jack-o-lanterns to enjoy on Halloween!! The boys watched intently...though neither was interested in the slimy inside.
Owen posing with the finished product!
After the kiddos went to bed, Jer got very adventurous and dove into the biggest carving we've ever tried.
After a few "don't cut off a fingers," and "OMG...please becarefuls" from me...he whipped out a drill to help with his envisioning. The results were pretty darn amazing! Jer who knew you were so darn talented with carving pumpkins!

Highlights of this adventure:
Watching the boys be excited over something so simple and fun!
Owen asking for the lights out at the end so he could see our pumpkins all lit up.
Hearing Owen say Jack-O-Lantern...sooo cute!
Being reminded of childhood
Drawing my best Jack-o-lanter face onto our small pumpkin.
Seeing our absolutely bad I am at drawing...compared to my husband!
Dressing up, Daddy's Birthday and Trick or Treating!
And the Halloween festivities continued. The night after our pumpkin carving...we took off to trick or treat. Our town sets up for everyone to trick or treat the night before Halloween because we have a tradition of holding a Halloween parade on Halloween! Since having Owen, we began the fun tradition of making trick or treat stops around town...seeing the people we love while we are all dressed up!
First stop on our list was Grandma PJ's and Grandpa Davey's. Owen cleaned Grandma out of goldfish and a few other items! Sorry Treemont trick or treater's! I think Grandma and Grandpa had as much fun as the kids this year!! We even got to wander down a few streets and trick or treat a few houses.
First stop on our list was Grandma PJ's and Grandpa Davey's. Owen cleaned Grandma out of goldfish and a few other items! Sorry Treemont trick or treater's! I think Grandma and Grandpa had as much fun as the kids this year!! We even got to wander down a few streets and trick or treat a few houses.
It was especially special for me this year b/c I have SO many memories of wandering these same streets on cold October nights, holding on to my Mom or Dad's hand and filling up on goodies!
Dadda held onto Captain America and sported his own Iron Man mask.
We made a stop at Gigi's for treats and to show off our costumes. I LOVE this picture!!!

I love this picture even more. I'm pretty sure I'll treasure it forever!! We love you Gigi.
Next stop on our trick or treat expedition was Aunt Jackie and Uncle Paul's house...where we met up with this lovely Bubble Guppy...
And this absolutely adorable elephant!
The kids were so good and we had so much fun!! We ended the night with a happy birthday to Daddy...appropriately done with a super hero cake to remind him that he is our super hero! And who just so happen to celebrate his birthday on this day!
Thanks to everyone who helped us enjoy this most marvelous Halloween season!! It's one I know I won't soon forget. And thanks to the big man upstairs for giving us such a fun thing to enjoy and celebrate as a family. The little things like costumes and fun holiday traditions are certainly important things to hang onto. I'm amazed at how differently we ended this October from the way it began. God provides...most definitely.
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