September 12, 2013

It's a....

Friday, August 30th we went for our 4th appointment...and were blessed with the news that we will be having another BOY!!!!!

I could talk on for awhile about how I knew in my heart we were having another boy.  Whether I was protecting myself from the disappointment of not having a daughter because I knew this was our last...or God was just nudging me, I couldn't really say.  But when the nurse told us a boy all I could do was laugh out loud.  Jeremy and I both did.  The thought of little ol' me, raising three brazen, loud, rambunctious boys is comical at the very least. It's humbling too. And it's also exciting. We are going to have 3 amazing men to raise. 3 different people to love on, laugh with and send off into the world.  3 amazing boys to teach about being good people, being caring men, to hold doors and buy flowers and all about being the best possible person they can be at all times. Boys or Girls...Jeremy and I get to be a parents...and when we started this journey...that was the ultimate plan.  I'm privileged and honored to be raising the babies God has seen fit to put in my life along side my best friend...what else could I really ask for?

The best news of all?  Everything looked wonderful. He and I are both moving through this pregnancy with flying colors and we are right on target for a January 15th delivery!  They even flipped the machine over into a 4D picture and we got to see a better view of him.  I think he looks just like his brothers...Owen in particular!

God is good.  All the time!!

Oh and while I'm sharing secrets...Jeremy and I came to a relatively quick and decisive agreement on little mister's name.  We will be calling him...drumroll please................


Grayson Oliver

We are still debating the spelling and using an A or an E in Gray/Gray.  But after the name rolled around on our tongues for a few days it felt right!!  Just like Owen and Cooper did.

Oh and for the curious few who may be wondering...Grayson means Bailiff's son.  Not altogether glamorous...but at least bailiffs are on the right side of the law right???

So Mister Greyson Oliver...we are very excited to meet you!! I have a feeling you'll be the perfect end cap to our family of five and I can't wait to get started on a new life meeting and watching you grow up!!!  You're brothers are also excited to meet you...though I don't think Coop understands what it all means just yet...he will!!  We'll look back and life will never be the same!!

Love you little bit!  Grow strong :)

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