September 12, 2013


Wow have we been busy!  And man am I struggling with keeping up the blog!  I blame pregnancy and Netflix.  And also my two crazy children!  That being said there has been TONS happening with our crew that I do not want to forget I'm going to do a few quick updates on some current happenings...and then I'll get back to the business of updating this space with things like Ryder's birthday party, vacation, our fun at the zoo, Owen's sleep study at Children's, our drive-in overnight and lots of other awesome fun have had the last couple months!!

Let's see...a few quick updates...August 28th, Owen started preschool!!  This is his last and final year with Alton Early Childhood.  Next year we move on to Kindergarten...gulp!!!  I'm excited he's with the same teacher and also that he has new friends this year to get to know!  So far we're just over two weeks in and we are all thankful for the routine!!  We were getting flat out lazy with summertime.

Here he is on his first day!
Owen Wyatt
August 28, 2013
First day of PreK Second Year
Monday through Friday
8:30 to 11
Teachers: Mrs. Lopez and Mrs. Taul

Cooper and I have been busy trying to fill up our days. Since this is my first run at doing preschool drop off and not juggling work, Coop and I leave Owen at 8:30 and have till 11 to find some fun, gather groceries or whatever strikes us!  We've had a few park dates with Missy and her crew of kiddos.  We also started doing Mommy and Me Story Time at the Library...and I signed him up for a preschool playgroup through the Edwardsville Children's Museum (thanks for the recommendation Aunt April! I can't wait to do it next summer with you and Isabel!)

Last week was our first library story time...and he did pretty good.  He (a lot like his brother) is not a fan of sitting still!  So Momma did some chasing and some running after him when he lost interest (which he did frequently!) BUT...he listened and played along for enough of it that we will be going back for more!  I'm hoping the more we do these kinds of things the better he'll get at them!

This week was our first preschool play group.  We will be doing this on Mondays. Again...the circle time?  Not a huge fan.  However, he enjoyed the centers! This week's theme was apples. His name tag was in the shape of an apple. We made an apple print out of apple halves and paint. We "picked" apples off a felt tree with clothes pins and red pompoms and he had a fun sensory station that smelled like apples, was full of oats and little red and green apples to play with.  All in all it was a great experience and I can't wait to take him back!!  Way to go Cooper on your first official playgroup experience! Mommy is proud of you!!!

In other news, renovations have begun on our loft!  It is soon to be a superhero themed wonderland for our kiddos complete with a new added full bath, a fun reading nook, common space for the boys to grow and play in and what I'm hoping will be a perfectly awesome newly renovated room for our two wonderful kiddos!!

Oh and we bought a minivan!!  After much protest on my part, practicality got the best of me!!  I think my husband is rubbing off on me in some seemingly unsuspecting ways. It's fully loaded. It's the perfect size for our growing family...and as far as vans go, I couldn't be happier!!

There is lots more to come and I'm praying I can get back into a blogging routine now that school has begun and summertime laziness is behind us!  Wish us luck!!

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