May was by far our busiest month of 2013! There were a lot of happenings that took place. What didn't get blogged by event is here in my monthly phone dump. Even in a busy month of events, the life in between was still captured and I love this look back through the past month's random moments captured in photo!
Our Momma Robin returned from last year. I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled to watch them build and make a home in our yard again! Last year there were four babies who took a few weeks to get up and moving out of the nest. This year she only had one baby who made short order of hanging around...I wasn't even able to give him a soft landing place this year!! But they came back none the less and it was a fun event in this household once again :)
I got stuck behind this truck at every stop light from downtown Alton to Godfrey. Making my 5 minute drive more like 15. Here we were about a 1/4 mile from the stop light, sitting and waiting to move. UGH. I hate traffic! I also hate trucks fulll of logs. Anyone ever seen the movie Final Destination? Enough said.
We have had a super wet spring...and our basement is taking a beating. There was water pouring in from the bottom of our wall. We've never had this much water in our basement before...but this year has been pretty crazy. Thankfully waterproofers are coming next week to start the waterproofing process. 8 years a 3 months's about time!!

My co-op baskets have been getting super amazing with lots of yummy goodness to give our family. After our last basket I spent an hour washing, drying and cutting up everything we got in our basket...making it useable and easy for our family to incorporate into our meals and snacking. Just what did I do exactly? Froze some fruit for smoothies, cut and bagged up fresh brocoli and cauliflower for cooking, cut and bagged romain lettuce for BLT's and salads, washed and dried, peaches, apples, peppers for snacking and shucked corn and bagged it up for cooking. We also got onions, potatoes, green beans, pineapple and a watermelon. It was awesome! I am hoping to keep the momentum going with each basket this summer. A healthier crew is our goal!!
After my rocking quarter auction experience, my personalize cooler arrived. It's everything I thought it would be :) We have already taken it for a couple test runs and I'm thinking our beach trip will be ideal!!

Dinner for breakfast? Yes again. Thanks!
I found the boys with the couch cushions off and slanted onto the floor to make an indoor slide. I give them points for creativity...however, I'm pretty sure they lost a few for potential injury risks!

May, you have been an adventure and we thank you!! June, we are ready...but your passing means big changes for this family and we say bring it on!!

May, you have been an adventure and we thank you!! June, we are ready...but your passing means big changes for this family and we say bring it on!!
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