May 21, 2013

Preschool, year one, check!

This kiddo has completed his first full year of preschool!  Woohoo!!
It was a great year for him. He made huge strides in his speech and is just plain growing up before our eyes!  Last year it was highly recommended that he attend summer school (which goes for 4 weeks, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 to noon).  I am excited to report that this year even though he qualified for summer school, he did so well that his teacher and speech therapist said this summer he could afford to skip it.  We will of course be sent home with things to work on over the summer. BUT he won't have to spend 4 weeks of the short summer break going to school!  I've always hated that Owen's preschool is 5 days a week.  It's tough to drag a 3/4 year old out of bed every morning, make them get dress and head off to school every day.  He was so tired by Friday.  I know it's what's best for him.  But I still hated it for him.  So I was one happy Momma knowing that he gets from May 20 till the end of August to sleep in, stay in his PJ's and spend some good quality time with me and Coop before the school year begins again!! Yay!!

Happy Summer Break O man!!  You deserve it :) 

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