On August 28th, we took off to Children's for a sleep study with the O man. His last ENT appt dictated that he needed to have his breathing monitored overnight...the thought being that he could be suffering from a type of sleep apnea that he would need his tonsils removed. Apparently his tonsils are very large for someone his age!
So we suited up and took off! First stop was to pick up Daddy from work. Once we had him, we headed to grab some dinner. Of course Owen's choice was nuggets and chocolate chip cookies from McDonalds. We had quite a fun time despite having no idea what we were going to have in store for us later in the evening!
Trying on Daddy's glasses
After dinner, we headed to our appt...after a quick check in, we waited the Sleep Lab and enjoyed the fish :)
He thinks the reverse camera on my phone is the bomb digs!
Getting started...first up was hair gunk...
Next up were stickers on his face...and this is where he told me...Mommy...I am like a super hero. I think I started crying about now.

They followed the face stickers with chest, tummy, legs and a belt around his chest. All of it was plug in and taped down to a machine. The piece d' resistance was the nasal canula that had to be taped to his face and then a "spiderman" mask that was put over his head. I'm pretty sure somewhere between the nasal canula and the head wrap, he decided he wasn't as into. I wanted so badly to scoop him up and take him home. He was such a trooper...we could not have asked for anything better from him! A few times through the night the nasal canula had to be adjusted and we had to calm a screaming baby who just begged us to go home. It was a bit of a heart break. But I kept telling myself...we are doing this for his own good.

After a solid few hours of sleep, Jer and I got to start unplugging him and go home!! Jeremy changed his clothes and we dropped him at work...Owen just smiled and showed us his hair goo! We went home, took a bath to start to wash his hair out (it took 6 solid scrubbing shampoos to get the goo out!!) and after a visit and some Grandma loving, he was back at home and we were putting him in bed in our own bed :) Owen Wyatt, Mommy and Daddy were so proud of you and how much of a big boy you were for us that night! You'll never know how much it helped Momma from scooping you up and taking you home that night. I love you and your amazing little spirit :) Love, Your Momma
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