April 29, 2009
Retail Therapy!
Steff once posted some pictures of a shopping trip she made and when I got home...I was inspired to do the same! Thanks for the inspiration ;)
So as you can see from the pics...Mom got out and went shopping yesterday! I got my first pair of post-baby, non-maternity jeans...and I'm in love. I picked up some other things along the way...including a BOGO sale I hit at Payless!
Oh the joys of shopping :)
Decisions, Decisions
As Owen's parents we are making a statement to announce our son's neutrality for his love of baseball teams!
Jeremy comes from a long line of Cubs baseball lovers. I come from a long line of Cardinals baseball lovers. Both sides of the fence are strong defenders of their side. Sometime after our marriage, Jer and I made a deal. I'd cheer on the Bears, if he would cheer on the Cards. (I think I got the better end of the deal...but that's just me!) At any rate, I know first hand the love of enjoying games at Busch Stadium. The sights, the sounds, the smells. A hot dog and a cold beer. Ahh...baseball bliss! I'm sure Cubs fans feel the same way about stepping into Wrigley Stadium at the beginning of each new season.
That being said, we have decided to teach Owen about the love of baseball, rather than one team over another. And to respect everyone's opinions about both teams. If in the end, he picks one over the other, it'll be his choice. But until he's old enough to know, understand and make a clear choice for himself...you will see Owen toting his St. Louis Cards sippy cups as well as wearing his Cubs sweatsuit!
Go Baseball!
April 28, 2009
Parenting Lesson Number 2: The 5 S's
Lesson Number 2 is a cry-fest life-saver!
It comes from a book we bought out of a desperate night of sleeplessness with our son. One spent with him crying in our arms with zero ability to comfort or calm him. He was fed, changed and was not running a fever or sick. It's the hardest thing as a parent...not knowing how to comfort your child. What we learned from the book has been a blessing ever since...b/c though Owen isn't sleeping through the night yet...he is at the very least not crying with us unable to stop him. I would recommend this book to any parent who has a baby who cries from time to time and you can't figure out why.
The book works off the premise of implementing the 5 S's. The five S's are: Swaddling, Shhhing, Sucking, Side/Stomach positioning and Swinging. We put the 5 S's into action all the time. Sometime it requires one or two in combintation. Sometimes it requires all 5 at full force! Jeremy and I haven't quite figured out if it's the 5 S's that actually work, or the simple time spent implementing them that makes the difference, but either way, it's helped us have a much happier, calmer baby and gave a great sense of confidence by helping our son!
It comes from a book we bought out of a desperate night of sleeplessness with our son. One spent with him crying in our arms with zero ability to comfort or calm him. He was fed, changed and was not running a fever or sick. It's the hardest thing as a parent...not knowing how to comfort your child. What we learned from the book has been a blessing ever since...b/c though Owen isn't sleeping through the night yet...he is at the very least not crying with us unable to stop him. I would recommend this book to any parent who has a baby who cries from time to time and you can't figure out why.
The book works off the premise of implementing the 5 S's. The five S's are: Swaddling, Shhhing, Sucking, Side/Stomach positioning and Swinging. We put the 5 S's into action all the time. Sometime it requires one or two in combintation. Sometimes it requires all 5 at full force! Jeremy and I haven't quite figured out if it's the 5 S's that actually work, or the simple time spent implementing them that makes the difference, but either way, it's helped us have a much happier, calmer baby and gave a great sense of confidence by helping our son!

April 27, 2009
Visiting the Library!
I absolutely loved the library as a kid. Something about the atmosphere and the possibility of finding a new favorite book or movie, made me fall in love with reading. To this day, I still love children's literature...almost more than adult literature! I love the imagination and wonder that fills kids books. Anything is possibly in those stories. Make believe still exists! I hope that Owen will learn to love reading and the library as much as I did! Here's what we found on our adventure today!

My personal fave...Owen in the story is an Owl. How perfect for our little Owen Wyatt Linley (O.W.L.)

We currently own two of the other books in this series of books. I love them! Ollie the Stomper and Gossie. In this one Ollie is hatching. So cute!
My personal fave...Owen in the story is an Owl. How perfect for our little Owen Wyatt Linley (O.W.L.)
We currently own two of the other books in this series of books. I love them! Ollie the Stomper and Gossie. In this one Ollie is hatching. So cute!
Oh the joys of parenthood!
Since the weather was yucky today, after Owen's appointment, we headed to the mall for some lunch and a walk. We also made a stop by the library! It was imagined to be a day of fun times and enjoyment! However, the afternoon didn't quite go as planned. It all started with waking him for his doctor's appointment. He was in the middle of a sound sleep...so packing him up and taking to see some lady who poked and prodded him while he was completely naked, wasn't exactly his idea of fun! Then...once we got to the mall it was bottle time. We quickly realized as milk streamed down his face and neck, that we packed the wrong nipple for his bottle, so his feeding was a bit rough. After the horrible feeding, I took him to the bathroom to change him and refresh his outfit because of all the formula, this is when he unloaded the motherload of all dirty diapers on me! He was messy to begin with...but once the diaper came off...the mess continued coming! It seriously was everywhere. I kept praying that some girl toying with the idea of having a baby would NOT come strolling into the bathroom and see our giant mess and decide...nope...no babies for me! Not only did we ruin two perfectly clean diapers, we completely destroyed his diaper changing mat, the onesie he was wearing and he screamed the entire time...which is just what I would have done! Poor little guy! I finally got him cleaned up, took him out to Dad to soothe him and then finished cleaning up my mess. I had to wipe down the diaper deck in the bathroom, wipe down the changing mat, stash as much of the messy diapers and wipes into the green deoderant trash bags as I could fit...then clean myself up! Owen, you did a number on your Mom today to say the least!
Owen's One Month Check-up!
Today Owen went to his one-month check-up. Here are the stats!
He now weighs - 11lbs 7oz
He is 22 1/4 inches long
He is in the 90th percentile for head and weight
He is the in the 75th percentile for length
Everything looked wonderful. We were told he was going to be a big boy and keep on keepin' on!
Some things we have to look forward to in the coming weeks? More smiles, coos, and chatter. Longer awake periods with him where he will be taking in all the things around him. Arm and hand coordination. We can't wait!
He now weighs - 11lbs 7oz
He is 22 1/4 inches long
He is in the 90th percentile for head and weight
He is the in the 75th percentile for length
Everything looked wonderful. We were told he was going to be a big boy and keep on keepin' on!
Some things we have to look forward to in the coming weeks? More smiles, coos, and chatter. Longer awake periods with him where he will be taking in all the things around him. Arm and hand coordination. We can't wait!
Loving the Warmer Weather...
April 23, 2009
Parenting Lesson Number 1: Dancing with our Son
So I'm know Jer and I have learned more than one lesson so far in the first month with our son...and I intend to post many more. But I wanted to start with my favorite so far.
Lesson Number One: Owen loves to dance.
It doesn't matter what the music is. Right now his personal favorites (with some parental influence) include Jason Mraz, Colbie Caillet and The Fray. We read somewhere that if you don't do the every day baby lullabies, your own music would work just fine. So one night while trying to comfort a tummy aching Mr. O, and find some peace for ourselves, we popped in a favorite Jason Mraz CD hoping to soothe both our souls. It's become a daily and nightly ritual. We play CD's now when we change his diaper, before changing his clothes we pick him up and dance around until his crying stops. We play these CD's when it's getting close to bedtime and his later feedings during the night. After feeding him we dance him around the room. It's in those quiet moments with him that I feel like we've found our groove as parents with our child. We've learned something unique that helps our son find comfort...and in doing so...grow in our confidence as parents. It's funny b/c within this lesson I've found that rather than us teaching Owen anything so far, he's been teaching us. What an amazing first month under our belt and a lifetime we have to go.
Lesson Number One: Owen loves to dance.
It doesn't matter what the music is. Right now his personal favorites (with some parental influence) include Jason Mraz, Colbie Caillet and The Fray. We read somewhere that if you don't do the every day baby lullabies, your own music would work just fine. So one night while trying to comfort a tummy aching Mr. O, and find some peace for ourselves, we popped in a favorite Jason Mraz CD hoping to soothe both our souls. It's become a daily and nightly ritual. We play CD's now when we change his diaper, before changing his clothes we pick him up and dance around until his crying stops. We play these CD's when it's getting close to bedtime and his later feedings during the night. After feeding him we dance him around the room. It's in those quiet moments with him that I feel like we've found our groove as parents with our child. We've learned something unique that helps our son find comfort...and in doing so...grow in our confidence as parents. It's funny b/c within this lesson I've found that rather than us teaching Owen anything so far, he's been teaching us. What an amazing first month under our belt and a lifetime we have to go.
Another book we're reading...
Our Growing Little Man!
Owen is one month old today!!!
It's amazing how much he has changed in just four short weeks! Some of his milestone include:
Lifting his head for brief lapses of time.
He no longer screams through his diaper changes - Yay!
He has a super strong grip with his little fingers.
He knows me and Jer when we talk to him and his gaze often turns our direction when we walk into a room.
He often stares up at me while I sing, talk or read to him and his gaze locks on mine. It's adorable!
He now cooes and "talks" to the animals around his room. Milton the Monkey lovingly stares down at him from above his changer and Owen loves to waves his arms around and coo at him!
He also loves his baby gym. It's an under the ocean Baby Einstein gym and he enjoys looking at and talking to all of the things hanging above him!
My personal favorite? He smiles. Not on cue just yet...but when he does it makes your heart melt!

It's amazing how much he has changed in just four short weeks! Some of his milestone include:
Lifting his head for brief lapses of time.
He no longer screams through his diaper changes - Yay!
He has a super strong grip with his little fingers.
He knows me and Jer when we talk to him and his gaze often turns our direction when we walk into a room.
He often stares up at me while I sing, talk or read to him and his gaze locks on mine. It's adorable!
He now cooes and "talks" to the animals around his room. Milton the Monkey lovingly stares down at him from above his changer and Owen loves to waves his arms around and coo at him!
He also loves his baby gym. It's an under the ocean Baby Einstein gym and he enjoys looking at and talking to all of the things hanging above him!
My personal favorite? He smiles. Not on cue just yet...but when he does it makes your heart melt!
April 22, 2009
Sleeplessness Update...
So a call from the pediatrician's office referred us to this book:

Owen's doctor wasn't in today, so I talked with her nurse. She said if she recommended anything else that she would call me tomorrow.
I've only gotten through one chapter...it's hard to read with a newborn around the house...but I'll keep you posted on what the book says and how Owen does with it's suggestions. Let's hope something jumps off the page at us!

Owen's doctor wasn't in today, so I talked with her nurse. She said if she recommended anything else that she would call me tomorrow.
I've only gotten through one chapter...it's hard to read with a newborn around the house...but I'll keep you posted on what the book says and how Owen does with it's suggestions. Let's hope something jumps off the page at us!
We've been joking for awhile that Owen's sleep patterns are what I get b/c I hate to nap and I force myself to stay awake and alert through a sometimes crazy schedule and too much life busyness. I do this as an adult and I did this as a kid. Nap time was a dirty word when I was a child. It brought on fits of dreads every time I heard it. It still does that same thing to me. But...I love me some sleep...at night...when it's dark...and the clock reads anytime after oh say 12am! So it's been a rough few weeks with Mr. O and convincing him that night time is for sleeping. We're almost to that blessed month mark. One that promises hopefully to bring us more sleep filled nights...so we've been waiting for a pattern to emerge. But while we are waiting for a pattern to emerge...the one that starts Owen on a "I sleep all night" pattern...a different kind of pattern has emerged. And I'm not so sure Jer and I like it too much!
So far...our adorable, oh so lovable son has been your typical newborn. Oh so cute and lovable until 2am when we're both completely exhausted and he's not so much. Jer and I were in for sleepless nights...no doubt about that! What we didn't expect was for Owen to have nights of completely sleeplessness. We're talking hours on end of awake time. So far we've clocked 4 or more nights where he has remained awake from the hours of 9:30pm till 2, sometimes 3 and yes...even 4am without even so much as a nap. Or the faintest flitter of a nap in his eyes. The pattern emerging provides Jer and I with one hopeful, blissful night of sleeping in the typical newborn blocks from say 11:30 to 3. Then 4 till 6:30...then even sometimes 7:30 till 10:30am. At this point...it's not a solid nights sleep...but it's blocks of time where we can escape to our bed and one or both of us can get some solid hours of sleep. The next night however, we're slammed with hours on end of wide-eyed awake time with our son. It's like the changing of the guards at the tomb of the unknown solidier. Jer paces the floor to keep him calm and quiet from the hours of 9:30 till 1 or 2. Then I get up after 2 short hours of sleep and relieve him so he can go to bed till he has to get up for work. Some may say he has his days and nights confused. But I personally don't know how he could. He is awake with me for at least an hour and a half each time I feed, change and play with him during the day. Newborns are supposed to sleep nearly 20 hours a day. If you add up all the times I feed him...nearly once every 3 hours all day long...he's getting less than 20 hours just in feeding, changing and play time...without the added sleeplessness at night. So how you may ask does he stay awake for 5, 6, even 7 hours on end? It's the question puzzling both Jer and myself. So today I put a call into the pediatrician. I'll keep you posted on what they tell us! Until then...please say a prayer that his rice cereal begins to kick in and that Mom and Dad get their nights back in a few shorts weeks!
So far...our adorable, oh so lovable son has been your typical newborn. Oh so cute and lovable until 2am when we're both completely exhausted and he's not so much. Jer and I were in for sleepless nights...no doubt about that! What we didn't expect was for Owen to have nights of completely sleeplessness. We're talking hours on end of awake time. So far we've clocked 4 or more nights where he has remained awake from the hours of 9:30pm till 2, sometimes 3 and yes...even 4am without even so much as a nap. Or the faintest flitter of a nap in his eyes. The pattern emerging provides Jer and I with one hopeful, blissful night of sleeping in the typical newborn blocks from say 11:30 to 3. Then 4 till 6:30...then even sometimes 7:30 till 10:30am. At this point...it's not a solid nights sleep...but it's blocks of time where we can escape to our bed and one or both of us can get some solid hours of sleep. The next night however, we're slammed with hours on end of wide-eyed awake time with our son. It's like the changing of the guards at the tomb of the unknown solidier. Jer paces the floor to keep him calm and quiet from the hours of 9:30 till 1 or 2. Then I get up after 2 short hours of sleep and relieve him so he can go to bed till he has to get up for work. Some may say he has his days and nights confused. But I personally don't know how he could. He is awake with me for at least an hour and a half each time I feed, change and play with him during the day. Newborns are supposed to sleep nearly 20 hours a day. If you add up all the times I feed him...nearly once every 3 hours all day long...he's getting less than 20 hours just in feeding, changing and play time...without the added sleeplessness at night. So how you may ask does he stay awake for 5, 6, even 7 hours on end? It's the question puzzling both Jer and myself. So today I put a call into the pediatrician. I'll keep you posted on what they tell us! Until then...please say a prayer that his rice cereal begins to kick in and that Mom and Dad get their nights back in a few shorts weeks!
April 15, 2009
The Saturday before Easter, Jer and I decided to dye Easter eggs. While Owen couldn't really participate, we pretended he could and had some fun ourselves! Here are some shots of our creations!

Easter Sunday was filled with much fun and busyness! We enjoyed some time at church, then an afternoon filled with family and food. Owen got some fun Easter presents and lots of lovin' from his Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles!

Easter Sunday was filled with much fun and busyness! We enjoyed some time at church, then an afternoon filled with family and food. Owen got some fun Easter presents and lots of lovin' from his Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles!
Getting back to Jess
While I have a ton more post ideas for my son...and I know some people are reading to find out about him and see more pictures of him...I had to post a quick blog about me! Just a little reflection time from the past few weeks ;)
I knew a c-section would mean a longer recovery, more rules to follow post-baby, and less freedom right at first. What I didn't know (though I should have seen coming) is how much this would drive me crazy! Though I am recovering much faster than I'd expected...and I'm so thankful for that...I still went through some tough moments following the arrival of Owen. Moments I didn't expect to find myself in. But it's hard when you have a new baby. Your body is recovering from surgery. You are on pain killers that make you drowsy, but are the only way you can function. You can't jump in the car and take yourself anywhere. You are completely reliant on everyone else to do what you naturally yern to do...which for me was care for my son and take care of my husband. I found myself frustrated, nervous, even a little disappointed with myself. But thanks to the loving support from those I love, I found that what I was feeling was normal. And after realizing that God puts family around you for just such occassions, and a shower can seriously make you feel like a brand new person, I began to see the light. I stopped feeling guilty for asking Jer to do things for me, I let myself shower when someone stopped by to visit so I could get in 20 minutes of me time and freshen up. I got myself out of my sweats and into regular clothes even when I wasn't going anywhere. So in my short three weeks as a new mom...I've learned quite a few valuable lessons! And I've learned so much about me as a person and the kind of mom I hope to grow into as Owen and I grow as mother and son! Below you will find pictures of the little things that have slowly helped me get back to being Jess.
I posted just a few weeks before we had Owen that my ankles were miserably swollen. Thank the Lord...my ankles have returned! I treated my poor feet to a pedicure once the swelling really subsided. I never thought I would feel like my legs are skinny...but now I look at them and think I might just have bird legs? Ok so maybe not...I'm sure this will pass. For now, I'm enjoying every second of my new found love for my legs!!

My push present from Jer was a few bottles of wine from my favorite wine shop! My first glass was fabulous ;)

Cooking in my own kitchen! Last night I opened the first of our frozen meals...the ones we prepared before Owen. It was so relaxing just being in my kitchen and fixing Jer and I dinner. It's the little things!

A new haircut! Aunt Jackie gave me a fresh new haircut...this picture is from Easter Sunday (more to come on that). I love it! Thanks Aunt April for watching Owen while Mom got some girl time in...and then enjoying lunch at Bread Co afterwards with us!

Spending the day with my best friend! Steff spent Good Friday with me and Owen. We ate lunch, chatted and scrapbooked. She helped me with Owen all day and even watched him while Jer and I ate dinner before heading off to the Good Friday service at church! Thank you for a wonderful day!
I knew a c-section would mean a longer recovery, more rules to follow post-baby, and less freedom right at first. What I didn't know (though I should have seen coming) is how much this would drive me crazy! Though I am recovering much faster than I'd expected...and I'm so thankful for that...I still went through some tough moments following the arrival of Owen. Moments I didn't expect to find myself in. But it's hard when you have a new baby. Your body is recovering from surgery. You are on pain killers that make you drowsy, but are the only way you can function. You can't jump in the car and take yourself anywhere. You are completely reliant on everyone else to do what you naturally yern to do...which for me was care for my son and take care of my husband. I found myself frustrated, nervous, even a little disappointed with myself. But thanks to the loving support from those I love, I found that what I was feeling was normal. And after realizing that God puts family around you for just such occassions, and a shower can seriously make you feel like a brand new person, I began to see the light. I stopped feeling guilty for asking Jer to do things for me, I let myself shower when someone stopped by to visit so I could get in 20 minutes of me time and freshen up. I got myself out of my sweats and into regular clothes even when I wasn't going anywhere. So in my short three weeks as a new mom...I've learned quite a few valuable lessons! And I've learned so much about me as a person and the kind of mom I hope to grow into as Owen and I grow as mother and son! Below you will find pictures of the little things that have slowly helped me get back to being Jess.
I posted just a few weeks before we had Owen that my ankles were miserably swollen. Thank the Lord...my ankles have returned! I treated my poor feet to a pedicure once the swelling really subsided. I never thought I would feel like my legs are skinny...but now I look at them and think I might just have bird legs? Ok so maybe not...I'm sure this will pass. For now, I'm enjoying every second of my new found love for my legs!!
My push present from Jer was a few bottles of wine from my favorite wine shop! My first glass was fabulous ;)
Cooking in my own kitchen! Last night I opened the first of our frozen meals...the ones we prepared before Owen. It was so relaxing just being in my kitchen and fixing Jer and I dinner. It's the little things!
A new haircut! Aunt Jackie gave me a fresh new haircut...this picture is from Easter Sunday (more to come on that). I love it! Thanks Aunt April for watching Owen while Mom got some girl time in...and then enjoying lunch at Bread Co afterwards with us!
Spending the day with my best friend! Steff spent Good Friday with me and Owen. We ate lunch, chatted and scrapbooked. She helped me with Owen all day and even watched him while Jer and I ate dinner before heading off to the Good Friday service at church! Thank you for a wonderful day!
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